пос. Янтарный, Аксайский район, Ростовской области, ул. Индустриальная, 22 Рынок Атлант-Сити, ряд В павильон 21
Пн - Пт 09:00 - 18:00

Fancy media (by Dream-Theme)

[dt_fancy_image image_id=»51177″ width=»1000″ height=»500″ border_radius=»0px» animation=»fadeInDown»]

Simple image

[dt_fancy_image image_id=»51411″ onclick=»lightbox» width=»1000″ height=»500″ border_radius=»10px» animation=»fadeInDown»]

Image with rounded corners & video in lightbox

[dt_fancy_image image_id=»51205″ onclick=»custom_link» image_link=»″ custom_link_target=»_blank» width=»1000″ height=»1000″ border_radius=»1000px» animation=»fadeInDown»]

Circle image with link

[dt_fancy_image image_id=»51254″ onclick=»lightbox» width=»1000″ height=»1000″ border_radius=»1000px» animation=»fadeInDown»]

Circle image with lightbox

[dt_fancy_image image_id=»51354″ onclick=»lightbox» image_hovers=»false» width=»1000″ height=»1000″ border_radius=»1000px» image_decoration=»shadow» shadow_h_length=»0px» shadow_v_length=»10px» shadow_blur_radius=»25px» shadow_spread=»0px» shadow_color=»rgba(0,0,0,0.3)» animation=»fadeInDown»]

Circle image with shadow and lightbox
Hover disabled

Single Image (Visual Composer)

Default image

Default image with lightbox

Circle image with zoom

Circle shadow image with link
Hover disabled

Circle border

Rounded image with zoom

3D shadow image with lightbox
Hover disabled

Bordered shadow image with lightbox